Our Progress and Impact

R4K is now in 9 schools across Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines and Laos. We have grown into a network of 100+ student coaches and teacher advisors, supported by 17 strong core club members.

Our Courses

Providing kids with the fun experience of
robotics and programming foundations

Micro:bit for Beginners (Tiny:bit)

Overview and three classes outlining the basics of robotic programming using the Yahboom Tiny:bit smart robot and BBC Micro:bit chip.

Lego EV3 for Beginners

Five class curriculum outlining the basics of robotics programming using the Lego Mindstorms EV3 robot.

Raspberry Pi for Beginners

Thai language Raspberry Pi course with labs and assignments.

Micro:bit for Beginners (Zoom:bit)

A course outlining the basics of robotics programming, based on the Micro:bit Zoom:bit platform.